Thursday, May 1, 2008

SharePoint Subsite Move Up 1 Level

by Zac Smith, 9 July 2007
Had a situation recently where I needed to promote a subsite to a top level site. As STSADM backup/restore can only be used at the site collection level, a different approach was required.
As of WSS v3, there are two new STSADM commands - import and export.
The basic procedure to promote the subsite was to STSADM export the site to a file and then STSADM import it at the toplevel.
Here are the basic commands I used:

Export subsite
stsadm -o export -url http://toplevel/sub_site/subsite -filename c:\subsite.bak -includeusersecurity -versions 4

Import subsite
stsadm -o import -url http://toplevel/subsite/ -filename c:\subsite.bak -includeusersecurity

A couple of things to note:
The -includeusersecurity switch ensures that all the columns such as modifed by, created by are maintained.

The -versions 4 switch will ensure that all versions of list items/documents are exported.

You must import/export to sites that share the same template. So a team site can only be exported and imported into another team site. You will know you are trying to import into non matching templates if you get the following error:

"The exported site is based on the template STS#1 but the destination site is based on the template STS#0"

This means that a site based on the blank template is trying to be imported into a site based on the team template. To my knowledge there is no easy way of changing a sites templates.
The following lists some of the common WSS templates:

Team SiteSTS#0
Blank SiteSTS#1
Document WorkspaceSTS#2
Wiki SiteWIKI#0


Erie Simple Sites said...

Thanks for this, was exactly the information I needed to promote a site.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks! Concerning the site template: I had no problem to import a site into another configuration of the same site definition, i.e. I was able to import into a "blank site", while the original site was a "team collaboration site".

Cosmin said...

Thanks a lor, Drewberry!

Hey Anonymous guy!
I tried to import a "blank site" to a "document workspace" site and it didn't work. I received a warning that the templates are not the same and the import it's not possible. Probably it allows you to import any type of site to a "blank site", but not the other way.

Sandy said...

Great Blog info.

I need more help on SharePoint. Will you answer a question for me?

The users on the SharePoint site collection are getting repeated request for their credentials whenever they try to edit a document. I can't figure out how to fix it. I have searched everywhere and have not found an answer. Please Help me.

Side Note: My brother and husband are both Eagle Scouts from Quapaw (sp).

Piscus said...

I found a way to fix the template issue while importing:


Piscus said...
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Anonymous said...

Thank you, very helpful

Haroon Rashid said...

Very Good, exact information provided to move sub sites to new site